Four important reasons Hire A Housewife asks for a list

Leave a list? Nobody has ever asked me to leave a list before!
We hear you, and we understand. 
But there is a good reason that we ask for a list from you.
That reason is likely the same reason you hired us.
We are different. We are different because we know all of you are different.

Here are FOUR reasons a list is important for a fantastic Hire A Housewife experience...


Other companies don’t need a list because they already have one. They will only do what's on their list... and nothing else. We use a list to make sure that what you need done is what

actually gets done. We do so much more than just the basics. And, we are okay with doing something different every time we come.

If this week you want the refrigerator cleaned out and the laundry folded, but next week you want the bathrooms and the ceiling fans cleaned, that's okay with us. Maybe the week after that you'd like us to run to the vet and pick up your cat before cleaning. Yes, we will do that too!


We all have different ideas about the best ways to use available time. The housewife you have might really want to make your bathroom sparkle as she knows it is what would make her day, not realizing that taking Q-tips to the corners of the bathtub kept her from getting to loading the dishwasher, which is the one thing that really would have made your day.

I personally clean for a client who has been with us for almost five years now. This is a family I care about and feel I know well. A few months ago, I was training someone new at that client's house. While the new employee cleaned the bathroom, I took the extra time to fold laundry. Later I found out that folding laundry is something that client really enjoys doing and there were other things that she would have preferred to have done.


While we strive for amazing results and customer service for our clients, we do occasionally hear from someone who is unhappy with the service they received. In the process of correcting any issues, I start by asking about the list. Ninety percent of the time (90%!) it turns out that there was no list.

And, while we know it is simpler for you, showing a new housewife around your home and giving her a verbal list is not the same. There is a lot of information to take in at one time for someone who has never been there before.


What!?! Writing a list isn't easy... it requires forethought and time and, well, the ability to find a pen with ink! 

Hire A Housewife is making that easy for you too! When we send out a confirmation email we include a link to a printable list that you fill in. It even has the options to add priority numbers and time limits for each task!


Once you have created your list, you can change it as often as you'd like. However, if you want to leave it exactly the same every appointment, you can do that as well!

How about we trade? You take this list above, and we’ll take your to-do list.

Pro Tip:  I have one client who numbers everything in a general priority, but each week leaves the same list with just a post-it showing the numbers she wants completed. So while there are 10 rooms on the list, she can have  1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 done this week and next week have 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 10 done!

Thank you so much for continuing to be the best part of Hire A Housewife!